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the ugly duckling
one who is looking for direction and future that can leads to a beautiful world.
Monday, September 29, 2014
世界四大文明古国 -印度
二十九日 晴
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Happy new year 2007
It's a whole new begining for a new year, 2007. My Wish. In this very new year, my wish will be mking more money. :) Of course, my famil...
I'm okay, I really am now .Just needed some time, to figure things out ...
Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside You will never measure up, to those people you Must be strong, can't show them that you...
What is the most important?
What is the most important thing when choosing a partner? The Look The Feeling The Character The Behaviour The Family Background The Wealth ...
Get to know yourself better...
After visiting CJ's blog, had found this. >>> You try to know yourselves better....
Stop eating Prima Deli Chocolate Cake!
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A bad day for me...
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Meeting up with Kevin (It's his "Big" day)
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Raining... @4.04pm - 04 Mar 2007
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